“Filipino Folktales & Fables,” a lively show that celebrates the rich culture of the Philippines through traditional songs, dances and stories, opens Honolulu Theatre for Youth’s 64th season with a premiere Friday at Tenney Theater.
“I would encourage families to see this production because it brings messages of the importance of community, respecting one’s elders, working together and, most importantly, it shines a light on a very important ethnic group in our local community here in Hawaii,” said Alvin Chan, the show’s creator and director.
Presented by Honolulu Theatre for Youth
>> Where: Tenney Theater, The Cathedral of Saint Andrew, 229 Queen Emma Square
>> When: 6:30 p.m. Aug. 31; also 4:30 p.m. Sept. 1, 8, 15 and 22 (sensory friendly/ASL performance at 11 a.m. Sept. 22)
>> Cost: $10 to $20 (ages 6 and older)
>> Info: 839-9885, htyweb.org
The traditional stories offer wise and humorous solutions to everything from standing up to bullies to outwitting the sky.
“It has been a decade since HTY has done a play solely featuring Filipino culture (‘The Magic Bird: A Fabulous Filipino Folk Tail’ from the 2006-7 season) and I thought it was time to do another one,” Chan said about his inspiration for writing the new production.
As he researched olden-day Filipino folklore and literature, a world of creative stories unfolded before him, as well as unique folk dances and vibrant music, he said.
“I decided then and there to focus the production on old-time folktales and fables that, to me, showcase the Filipino culture more so than any modern day story can,” Chan said.