If your keiki include the furry kind, they can also have their photos taken with Santa at Pictures with Santa Paws this weekend at the new Lau Hala Shops in Kailua.
The event, presented by Alexander & Baldwin and the Hawaiian Humane Society, welcomes you, your pet and your entire family to take professional photos with the jolly one.
“Christmas is a time for families, and that includes our furry, four-legged family members, too,” said Samantha Budde, communications and community events manager at Hawaiian Humane Society. “This is the perfect chance to take a fun photo for Christmas cards and to celebrate the holiday.”
Each photo shoot is done with a professional photographer and high-quality, ready-to-print digital photos are emailed to customers on the same day.
Every dollar donated to Pictures with Santa Paws will go toward the more than 30 programs the Hawaiian Humane Society offers to Hawaii’s animals and people, Budde added.
“Whether the pets have been naughty or nice this year, this is a great chance to take the whole family out for a fun photo, visit the newest shops and restaurants in windward Oahu and support the Hawaiian Humane Society,” she said.
>> Where: Lau Hala Shops, 573 Kailua Road
>> When: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday
>> Cost: $30; $25 in advance (visit hawaiianhumane.org for reservations)
>> Info: 356-2247, development@hawaiianhumane.org