Legislators right to adjust automatic HTA funding
The state Legislature didn’t fall for the Hawaii Tourism Authority’s masquerade of reshaping its identity to manage tourism. HTA President John De Fries said that HTA would make organizational changes that would lead to “a more effective destination management organization that prioritizes our community and focuses on regenerative tourism … ” He wanted Gov. David Ige to veto House Bill 862 that would cut HTA funding.
Supporters said that HTA is needed so that tourism can be managed. Although HTA has a tourism management plan, it does not limit the number of tourists.
In HB 862, the Legislature wisely changed the funding of HTA from automatic funding from transient accommodations tax revenues, to federal stimulus funds. If HTA doesn’t truly try to manage tourism, these stimulus funds will disappear next year, and the Legislature doesn’t have to look for any other source of funding.
Ige vetoed the bill, but the Legislature overrode it.
John Kawamoto
Talking heads should disclose vaccine status
All media outlets, traditional as well as social media platforms, should adopt a policy requiring anybody who comments on COVID-19 to disclose whether the author or commentator has been vaccinated.
By doing so, a means for the reader, viewer or listener is created to make their own determination if the commentator has a conflict or inconsistency in whatever they are espousing. The Securities and Exchange Commission already does this with postings regarding stock recommendations whereby there is a disclosure of interest.
No disclosure? No publish. Simple.
I’ve been vaccinated.
Daniel Dinell
Let’s hear more solution proposals from Shapiro
I have been reading David Shapiro’s “Volcanic Ash” Sunday columns for some time and finally had to comment. Mr. Shapiro never hesitates to point out problems or gripe about politicians, which is valuable; however, he never offers potential solutions. It is very easy to complain about things but much more difficult to come up with a solution to the problems you’re complaining about.
If Mr. Shapiro really wants to be of service, stop just complaining about stuff and propose solutions. Who knows, maybe the corrupt and inept politicians you complain about will use your ideas.
Kevin Bridges
Kahului, Maui
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