The opinions expressed by Ali Musleh and Cynthia Franklin in the commentary, “Revoke Hawaii’s partnership with Israel” (Star-Advertiser, Island Voices, Oct. 30), are misplaced and totally misleading.
Nowhere in the opinion offered by them is there any support to demonstrate that entering into such partnerships by either the University of Hawaii or state of Hawaii is not in the best interest of either the university or the state.
The authors have taken this opportunity solely to expound a diatribe against Israel to support their personal opinions. They also openly appeal to the Hawaiian community to concur in their views by introducing the Mauna Kea Thirty Meter Telescope issue.
As educators and lecturers, Musleh and Franklin are in a position to educate. In their commentary, they chose to poison the minds of others with one-sided views. One must wonder what is taking place in their lecture halls and at the University of Hawaii.
The Israel/Palestinian issue is highly complex with many points of view, and cannot be summed up in an opinion article.
Harvey Minsky
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