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“Get the snip” has never been more urgent since the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court. Only 500,000 men in the U.S. get a vasectomy each year. Hopefully that will increase a lot.
Abortion protesters should have lots of signs saying, “Vasectomies prevent abortions.” And it should be free if you do not have insurance to cover the snip. World Vasectomy Day is Nov. 18, with more than 30 countries participating. But the world has a long way to go.
The routine surgery is relatively painless, takes about 30 minutes and has no effect on sex drive or performance.
Stopping world overpopulation can save the world, stop climate change and end poverty. A push to educate the masses and provide free snips worldwide is something I have seen zero news stories on. World family planning needs to promote this idea as soon as possible. Save our planet now!
Tom Sebas
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