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This paper published a letter to the editor entitled, “Same-sex marriage an affront to God’s will” (Star-Advertiser, Nov. 21), which, among other things, called LGBTQ people “sinful.” To make matters worse, the paper’s Twitter account promoted the letter.
This was all done on the same week as a violent attack on LGBTQ people at a Colorado nightclub. This is akin to publishing an anti-Semitic screed on the same week as a violent attack on Jewish people.
The letter’s views were not nuanced, new or newsworthy. But the letter’s views will fuel homophobia and attacks on queer people when we are feeling especially vulnerable. We are fighting for our lives. The Star-Advertiser should not be in the business of promoting views that puts Hawaii’s mahu and LGBTQ community in danger. While the paper has a policy against personal attacks in letters to the editor, it appears to be OK with attacks against a group of people for an immutable characteristic.
We deserve better from Hawaii’s premier local paper.
Keola Whittaker
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