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Please consider replacing Cal Thomas’ column or at least swapping him with one of the Saturday conservatives like Jonah Goldberg or Jacob Sullum. Thomas really has devolved into often writing drivel that merely seeks to proclaim how virtuous a Christian he is. His Nov. 29 column is the latest example (“Banning a gun won’t prevent killings caused by moral decay,” Star-Advertiser).
Thomas twists the issue of gun control and Second Amendment to bash those who are trying to stop gun violence through legislation and policy, portraying them as godless heathens with no morals or character. It’s their fault for not teaching these murderers and criminals to have the proper morals and right from wrong. I guess we need sociologists to conduct a study on whether killers consider themselves followers of any religion or if they are all heathens as well.
Interestingly, Sunday’s paper had an article on the clout of nonreligious voters tilting Democratic (“Nonreligious voters show their clout, tilt heavily Democratic,” Star-Advertiser, Dec. 4).
However, the article also says that a survey showed only 22% of voters claiming no religious affiliation. The largest group by far was Protestants and other Christians at 43%. Amazing how much influence those godless heathens have!
Paul Campbell
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