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What is the rationale in maintaining the $5-plus gas prices in Hawaii when mainland vehicle users are blessed with under $5 per gallon and in some instances under $4 per gallon?
Gasoline is not shipped in, but is produced from crude oil at refining facilities in Kapolei.
Are we faced with continuing higher state and federal gasoline taxes, which go to maintaining our roads on all islands? What happens when more electric cars are on the road?
It’s more expensive to live in Hawaii because we pay higher prices for everything from food to clothing, to medicine to salaries, to the cost of all goods. Every time our state government agrees to union benefit increases, this is passed on to all of us, as are other expenditures allotted by our Legislature.
Can our children afford to purchase the “affordable” house or condo when most of us earn a heck of a lot less than $100,000 a year?
Gilbert Horita
Ala Moana
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