Here we go again. Yet another politician, in this case Gov. Josh Green, doing the bidding of the construction industry that helped finance his successful election (“Governor greenlights public-private partnership for stadium,” Star-Advertiser, Dec. 11). Can you say conflict of interest? How about campaign finance reform?
Does anyone really think the building of the new stadium project won’t start with a vast cost underestimate to make it palatable? That it won’t be rife with cost overruns, repeated studies, and finished with shoddy work that needs to be repaired? And let’s not forget our analyst, engineering and consulting friends who repeatedly will be given a piece of our pie.
Mirroring the rail project as it blindly bumbles its way up Dillingham Boulevard, the new stadium will lack a cohesive plan and won’t have a capped budget or timeline. Just like rail, it will be too late to turn back once the project is half built.
Former Gov. David Ige may have been tardy but he had the right idea. The public-private partnership screams of wasted tax dollars, fractured planning and Green placating to a special interest. He should instead be representing all people of Hawaii and be a vanguard of our hard-earned tax dollars.
Pat Kelly
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