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The editorial, “’Tis the season to be a volunteer,” touches on what a social scientist would say about communities (Star-Advertiser, Our View, Dec. 19). Volunteers give from their heart, they walk the talk, are sincere and partake in what we call “healthy living.”
Volunteers, especially retirees and kupuna, need the social interaction for brain health. Volunteering also offers physical activity from simply walking to the destination and then hands-on volunteer work.
Volunteers at the River of Life Mission in Chinatown and serving across Oahu give unselfishly. One volunteer task at the Mission is what can be called a simple volunteer task of rolling a napkin over a fork to go with a take-out container of a hot meal for a homeless person. That giving as a volunteer offers dignity and sustenance for those who need uplifting day-to-day.
Keiki to kupuna, lend a hand, live aloha and share aloha.
Calvin Hara
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