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To the cerebrally defunct and cognitively challenged individuals who delight in terrorizing the indefensible cats, dogs and other fauna as well as war veterans who endured the struggles of concussive, explosive trauma, and to the politicians who ignore the violations of laws and refuse to deal with this problem: I suggest you take a moment and spend some time in Ukraine to consider what repetition of this stress does to the lives of living, breathing, innocent human beings and animals.
It will define your ignorance and open your eyes to an action that has no purpose other than inflicting fear and suffering on the ones that have no other way of escaping it, causing potential self-harm, fires and damaging air pollution.
Is there no senator, representative, Council member or governor who has the courage and the will to do something to end this madness finally? I am waiting for you to act!
Kurt Shanaman
Volcano, Hawaii island
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