I’ve been reading reports about the U.S. economy and projected inflation rates.
I know our federal politicians mean well in dispensing money to help U.S. citizens cope with price increases on food and the like, but all it does is add to the national debt.
Our government needs to stop printing more and more money to solve all of our problems.
With the majority of federal policymakers more than 60 years old, maybe it’s time to bring in younger minds on both sides of the aisle, with new ideas that do not burden future generations with our increasing debt load.
Meanwhile, more foreign nationals from south of our border want to enter the U.S. while we also allow refugees from war-affected countries to immigrate here.
I hope all of our politicians are thinking about what is good for the future of the U.S. in the long term, rather than bowing to various special interest groups.
But then, U.S. politicians are political by nature, and do not necessarily do what is best for our country.
Dickie Au
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