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I have a radical, yet practical solution to the axis deer population problem in Maui County. Not so long ago there were 10,000 deer here; now the estimate is close to 60,000 or higher.
Here is the radical part: The United States armed forces train with live ammunition on many bases on the island of Oahu. I suggest the military fly their helicopter gunships and/or drones over Maui County and cull, if not eliminate, the herds of invasive axis deer.
One of the major objections is, “What would we do with the carcasses?” The same military can airlift bulldozers and bury the carcasses in mass graves. This way, the young soldiers will be trained and equipment will be used putting our hard-earned tax dollars to very good and practical use. Win-win.
Larry Feinberg
Pukalani, Maui
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