Given the multiple chickens running around Waialua, I have no problem with a $500 fine for people feeding them (“Feeding feral chickens could bring $500 fine,” Star-Advertiser, Jan. 19).
How about allocating money for my proposal? Actually, this proposal was once a given, with the ease of a phone call to some very nice people in the Kahuku area. They were paid by the county to bring a trap to your home, show you how to use it, and provide a number to call when the chicken was captured. It worked marvelously. The city was helping to solve the problem.
That was long ago, however. The nice people in Kahuku told me the city stopped paying them for this service, and chickens run wild in abundance. They are noisy, they tear up landscape and leave manure all over the place.
How about paying people to trap them again? I believe many people would help with this endeavor. I used to think it was fun to see chickens running all over Kauai, but there is nothing cute about feral chickens and their noise and byproducts.
Nancy Harrison
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