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I’m glad that the Island Voices column, “Carbon cashback tax fossil fuels, helps lower-income folks,” part of the Jan. 29 “Fuel for Thought” package, finally clarified what carbon cashback taxes really do: Redistribute wealth.
Using the guise of “helping the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions,” the authors instead make the much larger and more important issue of helping lower-income families through the uneven distribution of the cash. Anyone who uses carbon (fuel, electricity, cars, buses, trains, airplanes, mopeds) will pay more with a carbon excise tax. In reality lower-income families will actually be the biggest taxpayers in this scheme as they do not have the money to buy solar panels or more-fuel-efficient cars.
Wealth distribution has become a byproduct of the climate change activists as a way to convince poor families to jump onboard their climate religion.
Mary Monohon
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