Legislators need to know their place in the process. I am referring to the attack on University of Hawaii President David Lassner by state Sens. Donovan Dela Cruz, Michelle Kidani and Donna Mercado Kim, and their ostensible call for his dismissal during interviews with the media (“Key state senators call for UH president to resign,” Star-Advertiser, Feb. 12).
It is one thing to ask tough questions and demand accountability from Lassner at briefings and budget hearings; it is quite another to say in a press interview that his leadership has “run his course” and publicly wish that he be replaced.
It is not easy to find good leaders (remember Evan Dobelle?), and replacing a university president without good cause could lead to upheaval and disruption. Lassner, while not perfect, has provided steady and stable leadership at UH during very tough times.
These senators have been in the Senate for more than 10 years. I can’t tell the voters in those districts how to vote, but as voters, we need to think about whether the tenures of our legislators may have run their course if all they do is bully and criticize, instead of supporting and working with those in charge to address and solve problems.
Lily Ling
Waialae Iki
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