A child weeps while on the bus leaving The Covenant School following a mass shooting at the school in Nashville, Tenn., Monday.
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The photo on the front page of the Star-Advertiser, with the terrified weeping child in the window of the bus, should be sent to every legislator in the United States (“6 killed in Nashville shooting,” Star-Advertiser, March 28). If this photo does not bring home the terror of gun violence across the nation and the resulting trauma that our children and their parents are living with, I despair about any way to affect change.
In an Associated Press poll published last August, 71% of Americans said they wanted stricter gun control laws. That statistic must be higher now.
How can the legislators still be controlled by the gun lobby and the minority who think gun access should be available to all? They are not acting on the will of the people. Vote them out!
Susan Salm
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