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Gun violence is not a red or blue issue. Making it such is making the problem bigger and more difficult to solve.
The Columbine shootings occurred in 1999, almost 25 years ago. Since then, all the efforts have focused on gun control and locking doors. If that hasn’t worked, shouldn’t we focus elsewhere?
Gun ownership in the Philippines is the highest in Asia and gun violence is near the bottom. Why? Community and family. It’s considered a shame on all to take a life needlessly. We have to figure out how so much of our population has become desensitized to killing.
Not only gun violence — street violence, all of it. Take away all the guns and these folks will bomb a synagogue or church or mow down parade-goers with a car.
We need to go back to a day where everyone cared, when your parents and friends watched you and your parents watched their kids — a sense of belonging and that others matter. Let’s focus on the doer and not the weapon, and see what happens in 20 years.
Glenn Emanuel
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