We celebrate Public Service Recognition Week May 7 to 13 to honor our federal, state and county employees who deliver public services to us. Public servants are everywhere in our communities — those who pick up our trash each week, our teachers, public health workers, librarians, TheBus drivers, police officers, firefighters, TSA, military, FEMA, postal workers, traffic controllers, legislators, Council persons, congressional delegates, military civilian employees, and more.
They all enable us to make our everyday choices and go about our daily lives in safety. They do their best with their small numbers, and can only be as great as the community itself is great. Governments rely on their citizenship and citizens rely on their governments. While Public Service Recognition Week spotlights our public servants, it does reflect the spirit of our communities.
We at NARFE are proud of the work active federal/U.S. Postal Service employees do today for our nation. We are also especially proud of the work our retirees did as federal employees.
Joyce Matsuo
National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE)
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