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I think it’s time for City Council Chairman Tommy Waters to look for another job. It’s quite obvious he doesn’t want to discuss with voters the issue of Council members receiving a 64% pay raise. I would not want him or any other self-serving Council member to represent me with that attitude.
My hat is off to Councilmembers Augie Tulba and Andria Tupola. They are examples of what good councilmembers should be. I do not think the City Council should not get a raise. However, 64% is obscene, considering inflation and how property taxes have increased.
The process of the City Council selecting many of the Salary Commission members, in addition to the commission’s decision automatically becoming effective if the Council does not vote against it, is wrong. What better example of quid pro quo?
I believe the City Council should be a part-time job, but that also should be discussed. We voters will be watching what this City Council does. I, for one, will not forget how they respond (or not respond) to this issue.
Brian Lee
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