When I learned this morning that University of Hawaii President David Lassner had nominated Craig Angelos to be the next athletic director, my reaction was: “Who is this guy? Never heard of him.” Then when I learned that he had no connection to Hawaii, I was flabbergasted.
Everyone in Hawaii knows or should know that to be a successful steward at UH, one must understand the culture of its people and be in harmony with the UH Board of Regents, the Legislature, the business, professional and union leaders, and other influential people.
It appears that Angelos does not have any of these qualities and will be doomed to fail.
How can the advisory search committee and Lassner not recognize this and recommend a person such as Angelos? Have they forgotten M.R.C. Greenwood, Evan Dobelle, Herman Frazier and Ben Jay?
I hope the Board of Regents rejects this nomination. Let’s not have history repeat itself!
James Nakasone
Mililani Mauka
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