When is enough, enough? As I read the report on “How your lawmakers voted” (Star-Advertiser, May 22), I was appalled to see what passed in the U.S. House of Representatives regarding the sale of used firearms to federal law enforcement officers.
U.S. Reps. Ed Case and Jill Tokuda voted “no” to allowing used firearms, both pistols and AR-15-style assault rifles, to be sold instead of being destroyed at the end of their usefulness to law enforcement agencies. Hurray! Good vote!
However, these bills passed the House and are going to the Senate. When will we have enough guns in our society? Why do we need more? Why can’t these used guns at least be destroyed?
Republicans in the House passed these two bills, and while they may not live in the Senate, my question remains: Why? Why do we need more guns in our cities? When is enough, enough?
More guns means more shootings, which means more people killed or hurt for life. With freedom comes responsibility. Our representatives showed responsibility with their votes. Why cannot others? Why?
Rosemary Casey
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