A 12.56% raise, which is around $20,000, is significant (“Commission adopts pay raises for city leaders,” Star-Advertiser, April 27).
The mayor and most of the city employees who would receive raises already are paid more than the governor of Hawaii, who is paid $165,000.
At a recent town hall meeting, the mayor angrily stated, “If you think that being the manager of 10,000 people and a $4.5 billion budget a year doesn’t warrant a raise, then you don’t understand business.”
My understanding is that most of us are struggling financially. How can the public pay for raises? Where does the mayor think that the money will come from? The rail?
A ridership of 80,000 a day won’t cover the $90 million to $100 million per-year cost of operations. Is that good business?
My understanding of business is that the public will end up paying for raises by increased taxes and fees and/or doing without needed services already sorely lacking.
Elena Jones
Pearl City
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