Really? Doctors are living a Hawaii nightmare?
If Adele Wilson would have had the transparency of setting forth right in the beginning that the average doctor’s salary in Hawaii is $255,000 per year, $358,000 for more than 10 years of experience, well, I guess that would have blown holes as big as cannon balls through her premise (“Doctors need more support to work in high-cost Hawaii,” Star-Advertiser, Island Voices, June 15).
Then she, and we, wouldn’t have to be weepy over doctors in Hawaii being “overworked and underpaid.”
Coincidentally, I just received a statement from Blue Cross Blue Shield whereby the submitted charges by a doctor for a routine exam, taking little more than a few minutes, was a flabbergasting $616!
Overworked? Notice how much of the work is actually performed by the doctors’ staff members.
Here’s a solution for Wilson: To her perceived paltry charges emanating from her doctors, she can add a tip of, say, 25%. Personal responsibility.
Lewis Hitchcock
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