Gov. Josh Green wants new ideas to expand Hawaii’s future (“Green wants new ideas to expand Hawaii’s future,” Star-Advertiser, June 13). Here come some ideas that may not be new, but will definitely expand our future:
>> Bring the misconceived, mismanaged and unaffordable monstrosity misnamed “rail”to a permanent stop. It’s like an ugly python snaking through the beautiful aina.
Quit throwing precious money into its always empty, greedy mouth. It was presented with misleading cost figures. Now, it’s at about $10 billion and barely halfway through. It was misdesigned. The wheels didn’t match the tracks, the curves couldn’t take the prescribed speed, and so on.
Get new buses and send the old ones to the junkyard. Build bus lanes at street level. It would cost a fraction of the price.
>> Give up any ideas about a new stadium. Tear it down. Sell the scraps to Korea. Have it come back as little Kia or big Genesis cars. Build homeless shelters and needed medical facilities. Be humanitarian.
By expanding Hawaii’s future, the governor will create an outstanding legacy for himself. And a great future for Hawaii.
Gerhard Hamm
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