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Applying for a senior HOLO card other than at the Kalihi Transit Center was frustration all over again.
In order to get a senior HOLO card, you need to either go to the transit center or one of the Satellite City Halls.
The line at the Kalihi Transit Center was long, so a few days later we went to one of the Satellite City Halls in Kaneohe. We showed up only to find out that we needed an appointment. I was told to do it online.
So I looked online. There was no category for the HOLO card, so thinking I needed an appointment, I chose the process for renewing a driver’s license. With confirmation on my phone, we headed to our appointment, only to find out we were confirmed for the wrong listing.
We should have clicked on “Motor vehicle and other services.” Since we had an appointment, I asked if we could switch windows, but the answer was no. Someone should update the website. The wait between the two appointments was two weeks. Grrrr.
Rachel Shimamoto
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