The latest bad news in the U.S. escalation of the Ukraine war concerns cluster bombs (“Biden defends decision to supply cluster bombs to Ukraine,” Star-Advertiser, Top News, July 7).
This follows closely on a report that the administration is ready to supply Ukraine with depleted uranium (DU) munitions to be fired from U.S.- supplied Abrams tanks.
Is there no limit to the barbarity to which our government will stoop? Cluster bombs — known to kill and maim civilians, particularly children — have been banned by dozens of nations, but not the U.S.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy apparently considers them the “best way to kill Russians who are dug into trenches.” Russia and Ukraine, not surprisingly, have also not supported the ban. As for DU, a U.N. human-rights commission has designated its use as inhumane.
Aides are advising Secretary of State Antony Blinken and President Joe Biden that there is little choice. They do, in fact, have a big choice — the correct one of not providing these horrific weapons. To do otherwise would be immoral and unconscionable. As they deliberate, the arms merchants are counting their billions and whistling their way to the bank.
Wally Inglis
Palolo Valley
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