Cal Thomas has lost his mind in advocating weapons for everyone (“To fight crime, shoot back at the criminals who attack,” Star-Advertiser, Aug. 8).
The myth of the old West, of outraged folks stopping the bad guys, was never reality.
The reality is more like the end of the western, “High Noon.” The surrounding townsfolk disappear. No one helps the beleaguered good guy. We see it in security videos. Everyone takes shelter or runs away, and authority is gunned down.
Does Thomas really expect a 120-pound teenage girl working at McDonald’s to be “carrying”? And capable of stopping the bad guys?
Thomas has fantasized a popular fiction, and has moved in to his castle there. The real descriptions of insanity is that you move into your castle in the air, pull up the drawbridge, and lock and load.
Life is not a movie.
Beverly Kai
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