David Brooks missed the larger point in his otherwise excellent column (“What if we’re the bad guys here?” Star-Advertiser, Aug. 7).
What angers people far more than the elites’ easy access to wealth and power is snobbery.
Many people cannot stomach those who look down on them. It’s an extra- ordinarily strong emotion. And many in the top of the elite class do look down on others. That includes not only politicians, but the news media, entertainment industry, tech industry — every part of the establishment.
They don’t even try very hard to hide their disdain, especially the very people who should have the most incentive not to reveal it.
Barack Obama openly acknowledged his feelings with his description of small-town Americans as bitter people who cling to their guns and religion. Hillary Clinton gleefully described Donald Trump’s supporters as a basket of deplorables.
The top elites are not just opposed to Trump. They seriously hold him in extreme contempt. A large part of Trump’s visceral support comes from identifying with him for his treatment by these elitists.
Lane Yoder
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