When is the Navy going to step up to the plate to finally help Hawaii?
Despite the Navy’s Red Hill fuel tank threat to Oahu’s main water resource, its many fuel spills, and the shutdown of our Halawa water shaft and two wells, the Navy, with its endless equipment resources and capabilities, simply has not done anything to help the Lahaina disaster relief effort.
The Navy has tremendous resources: vessels that can help transport badly needed supplies and equipment, salvage equipment and divers, generators and possibly vessels that can help power Lahaina.
Of huge significance, the Navy’s USNS Mercy hospital ship, with primary mission to support U.S. disaster relief and humanitarian relief worldwide, has 1,000 beds. It also is fully capable of feeding and providing medical care for Lahaina’s unfortunate wildfire victims.
So, what is the Navy waiting for? This is a great opportunity to become Hawaii’s esteemed partner!
Ed Uchida
Hawaii Kai
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