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Regarding “HART says $580M surplus awaits at rail’s end” (Star-Advertiser, Sept. 17): With this surplus, there’s talk of extending the rail past Kakaako.
If there is a surplus, it should be used to pay the yearly subsidy to run the rail, rather than taking it from the general fund, which could cost the taxpayers upwards of $150 million each year. After subsidizing the rail for three or four years, HART (Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation) would then be able to accurately tell the City Council and taxpayers what it will cost to continue running the rail.
In a perfect world, the rail would have enough new, paying riders to cover operation and maintenance. In today’s world, most riders will be transferring on and off the rail. As a result, less revenue, more subsidies.
Can HART honestly tell us what it will cost the city to run the rail each year once it reaches Kakaako?
Maybe not, yet.
Ted Kanemori
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