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The Honolulu Board of Water Supply (BWS) is on track to enact rate hikes effective Jan. 1, 2024, that will result in most single- family residential customers enduring a rate increase anywhere between 67% and 84% by July 2028. The monthly meter charge alone will increase 67%.
BWS cites inflation of 21% over the course of the current five-year rate period (2018-23) among their justifications, along with Red Hill and COVID-19. BWS prohibits emplacement of customer- owned smart devices on meters, which would help reduce monthly usage rates.
Being solely funded by ratepayers explains the why behind this mindset. The more we use, the more revenue BWS generates. This mindset needs to adjust in an era of water shortages. Encouraging customer use of smart devices to reduce monthly water use would benefit consumers and the planet. The BWS board of directors needs to get BWS on board with that program.
Paul Casey
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