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From the quotes reported by this newspaper from the panel discussion at the recent Hawaii Tourism Authority annual conference, it appears that nothing has changed about tourism in our state (“Maui residents advise visitor industry on Sunday’s reopening,” Star-Advertiser, Oct. 3).
The panel of Maui tourism leaders showed appalling insensitivity to the pain expressed by West Maui residents and their pleas for time to heal and recover. It is as if they feel the need to rush back to business-as-usual before the devastated community can envision a future for themselves that is not enslaved to tourism.
From their own words, it was clear that individualism, utilitarianism, disdain for the voice of the community, and an ever-present fear of the external forces of competition, not the well-being of people and place, are what drive them. Their candid statements when speaking among themselves revealed all we need to know. Thank you for revealing these shocking but unsurprising truths.
Travis Idol
Downtown Honolulu
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