What’s wrong with that picture on the “Insight” cover page (“Government (not?) at work,” Star-Advertiser, Oct. 29)?
Half-a-dozen intelligent-looking, expensively dressed white men, happily smiling and applauding. They were celebrating the selection of U.S. Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., as House speaker.
It is impossible to believe that they would not know their new speaker is an election denier who tried to overturn Joe Biden’s victory, a heavy abortion-rights opponent and loud anti-LGTBQ+ lawmaker.
That’s serious trouble to the country.
He’s also against helping the hungry, aid-starved and depressed Palestinians.
We can bring peace there: Tell the Israelis, “Make peace with the Palestinians.” Give the Israelis one year or we’ll cut out our financial help. One more year, or we give those annual billions to the Palestinians. (They need ’em more.) One more year, and no more military help. One more year, and we give that military help to the Palestinians.
Good luck to all of us.
Gerhard Hamm
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