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Regarding all the articles in this Sunday’s Insight section about the Israel- Hamas War and what group or country is on what side, who is hating whom and who is cheering what atrocity (“Mideast impacts West,” Nov. 5): Really? This should NOT be our focus at all.
Rather, shouldn’t what’s going on be prompting all of us to be screaming at the top of our lungs about respecting human life? To be professing, marching and working for the sanctity of ALL life, irregardless of the “side,” who the people are, specific causes or any particular belief system (because all of them profess some form of the Golden Rule).
No one has the right to kill innocent people. No one. Ever. Are we not better than this? Are we just going to sit around and let horrors continue to happen? Everyone needs to speak up loud and clear, and act upon what we know in our hearts to be truly right.
Susan Shire
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