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In this 21st century, the narrative of the U.S. is that it is leading the “democratic” faction against the threatening tide of “authoritarian” nations intent on overrunning the civilized world.
However, the truth — especially since the Ukraine war and now the horrific Israel-Hamas war — has shown that it’s the U.S. that refuses to accept the will of the global majority. In both cases, the world is demanding a ceasefire and to start serious peace negotiations based on respect of legitimate security concerns on all sides.
The U.S., however, insists on sending billions of dollars of lethal arms to its allies, effectively extending and even escalating the tragically inhumane violence.
In the latest United Nations maneuvering, the U.S. vetoed a Brazilian-sponsored Security Council resolution (on a lone dissenting vote, versus 12 nations voting in favor) to effect a ceasefire in Gaza. Then in the General Assembly, the U.S. side voted with 13 others versus a huge majority of 120 member states, against a ceasefire call. So who is really on the “democratic” side of global affairs and governance?
Danny H.C. Li
Keaau, Hawaii
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