A woman carries a sign during a demonstration for peace and in support of the Palestinian people in Lisbon on Oct. 29.
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I’ve never forgotten something I read on a bumper sticker 20 years ago: “We are creating enemies faster than we can kill them.” This seems particularly pertinent these days. So many armed conflicts around the world. Such hatred of others that they must be wiped from the face of the Earth. People who purposely create chaos and division by lying, which we kindly refer to as disinformation, which others believe and spread as misinformation. Absolutely no compromise; that’s a sign of weakness.
I have no issue with respectfully disagreeing with others or with receiving critical feedback. I choose to compromise as appropriate. Does that make me weak? Quite the opposite. Real power is the ability to work with others to better the lives of everyone. I choose to share aloha and kindness. Am I perfect? Absolutely not. No one is. But this is the kind of human I chose to be.
Violet E. Horvath
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