The article in Thursday’s Star-Advertiser showed why the state Capitol should drain the water surrounding the building and replace it with something non-liquid (“Hawaii state Capitol soaked due to leaking reflecting pool,” Star-Advertiser, Nov. 30).
Leaking in offices and hallways has been an ongoing problem. With millions of dollars appropriated for improving and repairing the Capitol infrastructure, odds are that in a few decades, leaking will occur or continue, and the nature of water shall prevail. Next time, it might cost more than $50 million to repair and fix, and these are taxpayers’ dollars that should not be wasted.
When I was in office, I advocated for blue-colored tile, which would be symbolic of the ocean, to replace the Capitol water feature. Sculptures of whales, seals, turtles, sharks and fish could beautify the area on the tile and be an extension of the Hawaii State Art Museum across the street.
A waterless feature would be much cheaper to build and maintain.
Gov. Josh Green should stop the current repairs and ask the Legislature to appropriate the Capitol pool funds toward affordable housing, education, and/or social services. It’s the smart and right thing to do.
Will Espero
Retired state senator
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