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Monique Ibarra’s letter mentioned a CBO (community-based organization) working in homeless services that recently closed its doors (“Government does not meet costs of programs,” Star-Advertiser, Dec. 7). That CBO was Achieve Zero (AZ) and I was its executive director.
Homeless services for 50% of Oahu have been negatively impacted, and AZ’s closure gives validity to the devastating effect when the true cost of operations is not provided. Delayed payments and unfunded positions further set CBOs up for failure. AZ’s closure is indisputable evidence that change needs to happen now, and government funding must be increased to support the true cost of service delivery.
I hope that our government will take bold action and change a decades-long lukewarm approach to some of the biggest crises we’re facing as a state.
AZ’s closure is a call to action, and I hope our government leaders answer it — before the cost of inaction becomes a price too high for Hawaii and our people to recover from.
Nicole S. Winter
Achieve Zero executive director, Wahiawa
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