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The United States defense budget for this coming year is $842 billion. However, there is also an additional $16.4 billion requested under the “Unfunded Priority List” (UPL). One might consider this a slush fund for military projects that should be included in the regular defense budget. It should be subjected to the same type of scrutiny and oversight as the rest of the defense budget. The U.S. Department of Defense, the Department of Defense Controller, and the Secretary of Defense — all of them — would like to see the UPL eliminated.
Fortunately, there is a bill that has broad bipartisan support that would eliminate the UPL completely. It is called the Streamline Pentagon Budgeting Act. The Hawaii Advocacy Team of the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) gives this act of reform and accountability its full support. We urge our Hawaii congressional delegation to work for its passage.
Michele Shields
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