The future of the 107-year-old Honolulu Ocean Safety service is on the agenda for Wednesday’s Honolulu City Council meeting.
On the one hand, Mayor Rick Blangiardi has proposed taking executive action to create a stand-alone Ocean Safety Department “immediately.”
On the other, is a more measured and, in my opinion, more reasonable approach. Councilmember Andria Tupola’s Resolution 50 would put the question on the November general election ballot and ask voters to decide if there should be a new Department of Ocean Safety, with a more transparent and accountable command structure looking more like the Honolulu Police and Fire departments.
I stand in strong support of Resolution 50, and a public process to set up a new Department of Ocean Safety thoughtfully, carefully and deliberately. A public vote, and a commission, are in keeping with nationwide best practices for such an historic and significant proposal.
John Titchen
Chief, city Ocean Safety Division
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