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Coming on the heels of a well- researched expose on public corruption by Randal Roth, professor emeritus at the University of Hawaii’s William S. Richardson School of Law, one might wonder if the jury in Keith Kaneshiro’s trial was fully aware of the factions of local connections behind the scenes?
Hearing the post-trial remarks from a gloating defense team and Kaneshiro himself, I was reminded of the shocking 2016 declaration from then- candidate Donald Trump while on the presidential campaign trail in Iowa: “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?”
Regarding Kaneshiro’s corruption and bribery case, I believe the former city prosecutor has counted his chickens before they have hatched.
There may not have been enough evidence presented to seal a guilty verdict, but people who live in glass na hale shouldn’t throw pohaku.
Karyn Herrmann
Hawaii Kai
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