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The deep-rooted practice of nepotism has stifled many an island society and may well do the same in Hawaii. Not hiring the best person available for a job reduces the overall performance and output of a company, reducing productivity, morale and engagement. Not holding all employees to the same standard breeds resentment, which worsens relationships between staff and management.
Nepotism also reduces employment; no matter how hard you work, promotion positions are capped or reserved for family members. If an employee isn’t appreciated for their talents why should they stay? Poor corporate culture, lack of diversity, worsening personal relations and potential lawsuits are other negative effects of nepotism.
Perhaps the most toxic consequence is youth brain drain, whereby the recent graduates from Hawaii’s colleges and universities leave the island based on their perception that nepotism limits their opportunities for gainful employment, stability and promotion.
P.M. Azinga
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