GEORGE F. LEE / 2023
Visitors make their way down the Diamond Head Summit Trail in 2023.
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The recent article, “Top of the list,” describes the many rescues that are necessary on the Diamond Head Summit Trail (Star-Advertiser, July 25). There’s a solution to that, or at least one that would drastically reduce the number of needed rescues.
A ski lift (maybe call it a lava lift) could take visitors from the parking lot all the way to the ridge top and back down. I’m sure it could be designed to be aesthetically pleasing and unobtrusive. A small speaker on every lift could provide a message about the history and significance of the crater. Charge $5 per person and it could even generate some much-needed revenue for the running and maintenance of the park. I’d bet some private company could build and run it, and make a nice profit as well.
Roger Garrett
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