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During a recent MSNBC interview, Washington Rep. Pramila Jayapal exchanged chuckles with the host as they discussed Fox News’ coverage of a 13-year-old girl who was raped on June 13 in New York City, allegedly by an Ecuadorian living illegally in the U.S.
Jayapal’s dismissive snickers suggest a disconcertingly inverted mindset that subordinates this child’s rape to the plight of her rapist. She regularly points to her 20 years of dedicated advocacy for the rights, dignity and just treatment of those who entered the country illegally.
Perhaps it’s an antiquated concept, gone with the tricorn hat, but I think our elected officials should be steadfast patriots, loyal to the principles enshrined in the Constitution. Jayapal is one example of many in government — including the president — who’ve proven where their loyalties lie. And it’s not with the citizens of America.
Scott R. Hammond
Aina Haina
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