President Joe Biden during the debate at CNN’s studios in Atlanta on June 27.
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I am so dismayed by the attitude of Democrats calling for Joe Biden to withdraw based upon his ability to debate. I am not looking to elect a debater; I want someone who can govern. On that score, I would pick Biden a million times over anyone else. I like the infrastructure bill, something that the predecessor promised repeatedly and could not deliver on. Having suffered under the horrible burden of a student loan, I want Biden to wipe out the student loan debt of the millions who cannot get ahead. In short, Biden’s vision is mine. I don’t care that he might be older or slower. I want to support NATO and the Ukrainians, I want to stomp Vladimir Putin and build alliances. I am sorry for those who cannot understand that governing is an art, and no one who is complaining has exhibited a better solution.
Janice Kim
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