In the Aug. 28 column, “Calling on Harris to stop Gaza carnage” (Star- Advertiser, Island Voices), Dawn Webster highlights the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza and calls for the U.S. to withdraw support from Israel. While the humanitarian crisis is tragic, it’s crucial to understand the context.
Israel is engaged in a war it did not start, and as in all conflicts, civilians bear a heavy toll. However, Israel uniquely warns its adversaries of impending strikes to minimize civilian casualties. Webster cites the loss of 40,000 lives, but it’s important to note that some estimates find nearly half were combatants. The other victims were civilians tragically caught in the crossfire.
This war could end if Hamas returned the hostages. The U.S. continues to support Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, because groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, with backing from Iran, not only threaten Israel, but global peace and security.
Alan Pollock
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