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I was appalled by former President Donald Trump using photos from his visit to Arlington National Cemetery for his election campaign. We veterans all remember his past remarks. His chief of staff, four-star Gen. John Kelly, stated that Trump refused to visit a U.S. military grave site in France, calling the deceased combat personnel “suckers” and “losers.”
My father served in the U.S. Navy for over 25 years and was severely wounded at Pearl Harbor. One of my three military veteran uncles who served in World War II died in combat. Three of my cousins served in the U.S. Navy, as well as my sister, brother and myself. We will not support a convicted felon for president.
Trump does not care about veterans; he just wants their vote. We veterans should do the right thing and not vote for someone who avoided service due to “bone spurs”!
Ron Mata
Pearl City
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