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The recent cartoon by Mike Luckovich and the letter, “Harris no match for U.S. racism, sexism,” hit it on the head (Star-Advertiser, Nov. 17). The only title Donald Trump deserves is “greatest con artist of all time.”
What we need now is a law stating that any person who is a convicted felon, rapist, pathological liar or traitor to his country shall not be allowed to run for president. That’s not in our Constitution because such a situation would have been unthinkable to our Founding Fathers, of whom I am a proud descendant.
I believe our president should be a man or woman worthy of our respect. Though a lucky 90-year-old now able to call Hawaii my home, I was born and brought up in New York City, where everyone knew this low-class, social- climbing person for the phony he was and is.
Penelope Cardoza
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