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A low-priority election issue rises now in Britain

LONDON >> The issue was barely featured in an election focused on the economy, health and the effect of rising nationalism in Scotland.

But Britain’s membership in the European Union – and therefore its place in the world – is now on the line, and the issue promises to keep politics unstable here until it is resolved through an "in or out" referendum pledged by Prime Minister David Cameron.

Given the uncertainty, for business and the economy as well as for government, Cameron, fresh off his unexpectedly convincing victory last week, is considering whether to hold the referendum toward the end of next year, rather than in 2017 as originally planned.

A prime example of the frequent tension between European policy and British sensibilities occurred just this week when EU officials suggested quotas for member countries to take in migrants saved at sea. Britain, among other countries, immediately objected.

Cameron has promised to keep his pledge to renegotiate the terms of British membership in the 28-nation bloc, arguing that too many sovereign powers have flowed to Brussels. Only after that process is complete would Britain hold its referendum.

Cameron has said he wants Britain to stay in the EU. On Sunday, he said that he had already started private talks with other European leaders and that he was "confident we’re going to get the right result." He has put his closest ally, George Osborne, the chancellor of the Exchequer, in charge of the negotiations with major European nations, including Germany and France.

The result will have huge implications for Europe, too. The departure of one the bloc’s largest and wealthiest nations – a "Brexit," as it is known – would slam the process of European integration into reverse, removing a champion of free trade and shifting the union’s balance of power.

According to Joachim Fritz-Vannahme of the Bertelsmann Stiftung, a German research institute, "No one wants to push Britain out."

Carl Bildt, a former Swedish foreign minister, wrote that the British negotiation is "likely to decide the shape of Europe for decades to come." He urged Cameron "to use his increased mandate to set out an EU reform package that is attractive to all member states."

But many things will need to go right for a prime minister whose touch in domestic politics has not always extended to the Continent.

First, he must extract concessions from 27 other European countries, each with a different agenda, and all of them opposed to changes in fundamental principles like the freedom of movement and labor that often clash with the British desire to control immigration.

Then he must sell a deal to his increasingly anti-European Conservative Party, in which some members believe Britain should leave the union regardless, if only to control immigration and protect London’s financial freedoms. Even the new intake of Tory legislators seems more Euroskeptic than those who retired.

Only then can Cameron start to persuade British voters to endorse the European Union.

Surveys show that Britons favor staying, although the arguments have not crystallized. Europe was a low priority for voters during the campaign, but immigration was a big issue for the anti-Europe U.K. Independence Party, which got nearly 13 percent of the popular vote.

Despite the risks, some see the referendum as a clarifying, almost cathartic process, a moment of reckoning put off too long.

Having stood aloof during the earliest phase of European integration in the 1950s, Britain later struggled to get into the club, finally joining in 1973 and confirming that decision in a referendum two years later.

The vote was supposed to settle the matter.

But the bloc has morphed from a group of six countries when Britain joined (along with Ireland and Denmark), to 28. Along the way it has created a single currency and a passport-free travel area, both of which the British declined to join. And the euro has meant the creation of institutions to govern it, creating worries that Britain will become a second-class member or be harmed by rules intended for the eurozone.

More comfortable with the idea of a free-trade zone and a single market for goods and services, most British politicians balk at sharing sovereignty with Brussels.

But what pushed Cameron in 2013 to promise a referendum was public concern and political pressure ignited by the legal arrival in Britain of hundreds of thousands of Eastern Europeans from new member states, seeking jobs and a better life.

Yet he has been vague about the detailed changes he wants. If immigration cannot be controlled, he wants to restrict welfare entitlements to migrants. Another priority is to safeguard countries that do not join the increasingly integrated 19-member eurozone, which many Continental Europeans see as the foundation for "an ever closer union," treaty language Cameron would like to abandon.

© 2015 The New York Times Company

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